"Descubra el mejor cuidado del cabello con este acondicionador único basado en yogurt griego y gelatina real.Esta fórmula extraordinaria combina las propiedades nutritivas del yogur griego con el poder revitalizante de la gelatina real para darle el pelo incomparable y suavidad.
El yogur griego ha sido conocido desde hace siglos por sus propiedades nutritivas.Está lleno de proteínas, vitaminas y minerales que nutren y fortalecen el cabello.Repara el cabello dañado, reduce el frizz y da vida a las cerraduras.Además, el yogur griego también tiene un efecto hidratante natural, lo que hace que el cabello se sienta suave como suave y se vea saludable.
La gelatina real es rica en aminoácidos, antioxidantes y vitaminas que estimulan el crecimiento del cabello y nutren el cuero cabelludo.Ayuda a reparar el cabello dañado y protege contra daños externos causados por, por ejemplo, productos de calor y peinado.
Crema Anti-Age
Scopri il Prodotto
L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale.
La Formula
I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime
99,8% di ingredienti Naturali
50,2% di ingredienti Biologici
Senza Profumo
Senza Parabeni
Senza OGM
Senza derivati animali
Non testato su animali
Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie.
Gli Studi
Sicurezza e Efficacia:
Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Nichel Tested
Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti
Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :https://www.staminax.it/staminax-antiage.
Notre laboratoire de fabrication cosmétique se spécialise dans le conditionnement en tubes, offrant ainsi un packaging pratique pour tout type de texture. Grâce à notre équipement performant, incluant une machine à tube à paroi simple et une machine à tube à double paroi, nous sommes en mesure de répondre à des besoins variés, allant de la simplicité à des formulations plus sophistiquées.
Prodotto semilavorato, 100% pistacchio, origine estera.
Pasta concentrata di pistacchio al 100%, ideale per la preparazione di gelati, creme e dolci di alta qualità.
Oleohealth® ur-kefir es una bebida deliciosa y saludable, ya que contiene microorganismos vivos (culturas de kefir) y los polifenoles de nuestro olivo. Se produce mediante la fermentación del agua viva de la cultura de kefir, añadiendo nuestro jugo de oliva.
El resultado es una bebida con un poco de dióxido de carbono, baja en calorías y azúcares. Cada botella contiene menos del 2% de azúcar*, y ese azúcar* es utilizado por los cultivos probióticos (géneros Lactococcus, Lactobacillus y Bifidobacterium) para crecer.
De esta manera, combinamos las características de los yogures con bifidus y de una bebida isotónica, sin los efectos nutricionales de los productos lácteos o de los azúcares y edulcorantes añadidos. Es una bebida carbonatada viva y no está pasteurizada.
Oleohealth® ur-kefir también proporciona los beneficios de los polifenoles del olivo, que son antioxidantes y antiinflamatorios potenciales, así como otras propiedades que históricamente son bien conocidas.
Lâchez prise et respirez... Notre Bougie Relaxation est conçue pour devenir votre nouveau rituel apaisant, vous aidant à vous détendre et à vous libérer des tensions accumulées.
Créée avec une synergie d'huiles essentielles bio, elle offre un moment de détente absolue et contribue à la réduction du stress.
Allumez-la pour instaurer une ambiance relaxante, que ce soit dans votre salon, votre chambre ou pendant vos moments de détente.
Fabrication française - Cire Naturelle - Vegan.
Contenance:180g = 40h d'utilisation
Le tourteau de ricin se présente sous forme de semoule ou pellets qui, par leur dégradation progressive et soutenue procure un engrais naturel de qualité par ses apports en azote, phosphore et potasse. Le ricin a l’avantage de ne pas acidifier ni de modifier la structure les sols, à l’inverse des engrais chimiques.
Sous forme de pellets sa diffusion est plus lente et constitue un engrais de fond.
Contrairement aux engrais chimiques, le Ricin n’endommage pas la structure ni la texture des sols et permet de semer ou planter sans attendre sa dispersion dans les sols.(pas de risque pour les graines et les jeunes racines).
Utilisation en engrais de fond : 50 kg de tourteaux correspondent à environ 1 tonne de fumier.
Prairies, maïs, pomme de terre, arboriculture, asperge
Préconisations grandes cultures :
3 tonnes / ha en pleine terre
2 tonnes / ha en localisé
Epandre les tourteaux sur les sols plus d’un mois avant les plantations.
POIDS:25 kg
DIMENSIONS:60 × 50 × 30 cm
POIDS:10 kg, 25 kg, 5 kg
100 % geschnittene Lapachorinde aus Wildwuchs
LAPACHO Rindentee, pflanzliche Antioxidantien für starke Abwehrkräfte:
Neben Calcium, Eisen und Kalium befinden sich auch seltene Spurenelemente wie Strontium, Barium, Jod und Bor in der inneren Rinde, die dem menschlichen Körper oft fehlen.
Die Inkas nannten Lapacho den „Baum des Lebens“ und tranken den Tee, um ihre Beschwerden zu lindern. Heute wird Lapacho in den Krankenhäusern Südamerikas aufgrund seiner immunstärkenden Wirkung als Stärkungstee eingesetzt.
Die Lapachorinde besitzt keine aufputschenden Substanzen und ist auch für Kinder ideal geeignet.
Lapacho innerer Rindentee stammt aus Wildsammlungen und wird nach dem Prinzip der erhaltenden Erntemethode gewonnen, wonach nur ein kleiner Anteil der Rinde entfernt wird die schnell nachwächst.
• Dadurch wird der Regenwald ökologisch sinnvoll genutzt und nicht ausgebeutet oder zerstört.
• Nachdem die Rinde vom Stamm abgeschält ist, trennt man die äußeren Borkenteile von der inneren wertvollen Rinde, die anschließend in einem dunklen und trockenen Raum gelagert wird.
1 Esslöffel Lapacho Rindentee in einem ½ Liter Wasser ca. 5 Minuten kochen und anschließend etwa 15 Minuten ziehen lassen. Ein kleiner Spritzer Zitronensaft beim Aufgießen dem Tee beigemischt, hilft die Mineralstoffe besser heraus zu lösen. Der Rindentee kann in beliebiger Menge, heiß oder kalt getrunken werden.
Beutel: 100g + 1000g
Thymol is a natural phenolic compound found in several plants, such as thyme and oregano. It occurs as a colorless or white liquid with a strong aroma, often described as herbal, spicy and slightly medicinal. It is known for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, making it useful in personal care products such as mouthwashes and disinfectants. Additionally, thymol is used in the food industry as a preservative and flavoring, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry in formulations for the treatment of infections and skin conditions due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Also available Thymol crystals (CAS: 89-83-8)
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Example Laja Blanca
Other thicknesses: No
Board: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Farben und färbende Lebensmittel sind zentrale Rohstoffe in der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie. Wir führen synthetische Farben, natürliche Farben und färbende Lebensmittel. Entdecken Sie unsere Welt der Farben und finden Sie Ihr passendes Produkt!
Estratto di curcuma altamente assorbibile e biodisponibile, ricco di curcuminoidi, responsabile
per l’azione antinfiammatoria e benefica. Migliora la funzionalità articolare.
Curcuma Longa
BOSWELLIA resina e.s. Conosciuto per le sue proprietà antinfiammatorie e analgesiche verso patologie e
disturbi del sistema osteoarticolare. Gli acidi della Boswellia sono in grado di inibire l'infiammazione
processo con riduzione del gonfiore e del dolore. Consigliato nel trattamento delle localizzazioni
infiammazioni, disturbi degenerativi, riduzione delle capacità motorie mattutine, dolori muscolari,
reumatismi, artriti, infiammazioni dei tessuti molli come tendiniti, miositi.
Confezione:30 compresse
Biota Manga is a concentrated single manganese fertiliser, based on lignosulphonic acid and part of our liquid organic single fertilizer line. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and certified for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary.
Biota Manga improves the photosynthesis of the crops. It manages enzymes which are responsible for green leaves. A shortage of manganese in the soil causes a pale green discolouration and speckled sports on the plant. Use Biota Manganese preventative for optimal growth and curative when a manganese deficiency occurs in the crop. Manganese creates strong cellular walls. Biota Manganese therefore increases resistance against fungal diseases.
Manganese (Mn) Complexed by ligno-sulphonic acids 6%:Colour: Dark brown
pH 7:Specific gravity (g/cc) 1.29
Experience the rich and authentic taste of our Whole ham with bone, naturally cured to perfection. This exquisite ham is crafted from the finest pork leg, meticulously salted and dried under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. The result is a ham that embodies the true essence of natural curing, offering intense flavors and exceptional textures. Perfect for any occasion, this ham brings the taste of tradition directly to your table.
Beef trachea is a versatile by-product, often used in pet food or as a crunchy treat. It is valued for its natural collagen and chewy texture. It can also be used in some traditional recipes for added texture. At Direct Meat Service Sverige AB, we ensure that each piece of beef trachea is carefully processed to maintain its natural flavor and nutritional value, making it a perfect choice for any culinary enthusiast.
Experience the unique texture of our Beef Trachea, a by-product that promises to enhance your culinary creations. This cut is perfect for those who appreciate the art of traditional cooking, offering a rich, robust flavor that is sure to satisfy. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, this cut offers the perfect balance of taste and texture, making it a reliable choice for a delicious meal. Trust in our commitment to quality and enjoy the exceptional taste of our premium beef cuts.
Foglie di carciofo,100% Italiano.
Versatili in cucina, si adattano a molte ricette. Possono essere usate sott’olio oppure utilizzate per condire le lasagne o la pasta ma anche per arricchire zuppe e brodi.
Particolarmente pratiche, le foglie di carciofo Citres hanno un basso contenuto di aceto quindi si adattano perfettamente su Focacce, Pizze e altri prodotti da forno salati senza lasciare un sapore acido sul cibo.
I nostri carciofi sono 100% italiani e lavorati da prodotto fresco ad aprile e maggio. Questo tipo di lavorazione mantiene un alto nutriente organolettico, lasciando le verdure croccanti e saporite senza “stressare” il prodotto che viene subito dopo invasato in modo semplice e naturale.
AL NATURALE con acqua e sale
2300 g
1 PZ =EURO 4.90
SCADENZA 20 / 05/2027
Shine.On es la nueva coloración ácida creada y diseñada por el equipo técnico de Greensoho, capaz de cuidar, colorear y tratar al mismo tiempo. Su fórmula, altamente respetuosa, proporciona un brillo y una suavidad sublime.
Un nuevo servicio de color para el salón capaz de recuperar la textura y la calidad de un cabello fuerte y sano, con una duración entre 15 y 20 lavados.
La combinación de Shine.On con su gel cristalizador dan como resultado una mezcla con pH ácido que oscila entre 6-6,9, lo que permite desarrollar un trabajo de color altamente respetuoso con el cabello.
La carta de colores de Shine.On ofrece 21 tonalidades divididas en: Ashy, Goldy, Browny, Redy & Cuppy y Punch. 21 tonos intermezclables entre ellos, con los que conseguir efectos de color más naturales, intensos o pastel perfectos para refrescar y reavivar el color entre tintes, matizar y aportar nuevos reflejos con un acabado con un extra de brillo.
Alga marina: Protegen al cabello de la oxidación. Ricas en nutrientes. Las algas tienen vitaminas A, B1, B12, C, D y E. Además, contienen fibra y proteínas. Posee propiedades antienvejecimiento, favorece la retención del colágeno y mejora la elasticidad.
Hidrolizado de proteínas: Acción reparadora y bioestimulante. Protegen y favorecen una hidratación óptima en el cabello.
Vitamina C: Poder antioxidante, neutraliza la acción de los radicales libres. Previene el envejecimiento prematuro del cabello. Fortalece el cabello, evitando puntas abiertas y sequedad.
Ácido hialurónico: Aporta brillo, elasticidad y suavidad. Aumenta el nivel de hidratación. Evita el encrespamiento.
La coloración ácida no necesita abrir la cutícula, ya que el pigmento se deposita en el exterior y sutilmente en el interior de la fibra, sin modificar la melanina natural del cabello, frente a la coloración alcalina que sí modifica la estructura del cabello, ya que necesita abrir la cutícula para depositar el color en la capa más interna del cabello.
Este tratamiento de color permite reestructurar la cutícula, sellándola y aportándole un brillo y una suavidad óptima.
Milkyland mozzarella original is a classic cheese that embodies the essence of Italian cuisine. Known for its soft, creamy texture and mild flavor, this mozzarella is perfect for a variety of dishes, from pizzas and pastas to salads and appetizers. Its ability to melt beautifully makes it a favorite choice for chefs and home cooks alike, adding a touch of authenticity to any Italian-inspired meal.
Crafted with the finest ingredients, Milkyland mozzarella original is a testament to quality and tradition. It is made from fresh milk, ensuring a rich taste and smooth consistency. This cheese is not only a culinary delight but also a nutritious option, packed with essential nutrients like calcium and protein. Whether you're preparing a gourmet dish or a simple snack, Milkyland mozzarella original is a versatile and delicious choice.
The Wedding Rings Wavy Natural Shape Pattern is an elegant and unique piece. Crafted from Sterling Silver 925, these rings feature a distinctive wavy design inspired by nature. Made in Turkey, each ring is finished with an oxidized look that enhances its intricate details. Our Wedding Rings Wavy Pattern is made from 100% recycled sterling silver. This eco-friendly approach supports sustainability and gives each piece a unique charm. Weighing 6 grams, these rings offer a comfortable and lightweight feel. If you value both style and environmental responsibility, then these rings are perfect for you. The design showcases a wavy design that symbolizes the ebb and flow of life. This pattern adds a touch of nature to your wedding jewelry. Additionally, the oxidized finish provides a vintage look, making these rings suitable for any occasion. Each Wedding Rings Wavy Pattern is meticulously crafted in Turkey. Our artisans use traditional techniques to ensure high quality. As a result, every ring is durable and exquisitely detailed. Wear these rings with confidence, knowing they represent exceptional craftsmanship.
Wir bieten Mineralwasser an, das aus den besten Quellen stammt und reich an Mineralien ist. Unser Wasser ist ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch und wird weltweit exportiert. Wir garantieren hohe Qualität und Frische sowie wettbewerbsfähige Preise. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Erfahrung im internationalen Handel, um die besten Wasserprodukte für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden.
La manteca de karité es un producto natural extraído de las nueces del árbol de karité (Vitellaria paradoxa). Se utiliza ampliamente en las industrias cosmética y farmacéutica debido a sus propiedades hidratantes y nutritivas para la piel y el cabello. Además, también se utiliza en aplicaciones alimentarias. La composición química de la manteca de karité incluye ácido esteárico (30-45%), ácido oleico (40-55%), ácido linoleico (3-8%) y otros ácidos grasos (<5%). Físicamente, tiene una textura sólida a temperatura ambiente y se derrite fácilmente al contacto con la piel. Su color varía de blanco cremoso a amarillo pálido. El punto de fusión de la manteca de karité está entre 32-38°C, y es insoluble en agua pero soluble en aceites y disolventes orgánicos. Se adjunta el análisis microbiológico del lote. Para el almacenamiento, debe mantenerse en un lugar fresco y seco, alejado de la luz directa. Las instrucciones de manejo y seguridad incluyen evitar el contacto con los ojos y enjuagar con abundante agua en caso de irritación. Debe mantenerse fuera del alcance de los niños.
Jasmine absolute essential oil is one of the more expensive and rare essential oils. Its properties include sedative, expectorant, antiseptic, antispasmodic and it is also a uterine substance. Jasmine absolute oil helps with depression, headaches, skin pigmentation, sunburn, body pain, uterine issues and anxiety. Common Uses Jasmine absolute essential oil can be blended and used for clogged ears. A few drops can be added to a diffuser to create a relaxing aroma that assists with depression. By adding some oil in a warm bath, it can also bring relief to body pain. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should, however, replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils. Enquire Now Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
Sanaxil I
Natural, protective, decorative, breathable, pigmented, non-toxic, anti-mold plaster, with stabilized potassium silicates, for interiors and exteriors. Substantially mineral formulation which, thanks to the natural alkaline pH of potassium silicate, develops a strong antibacterial and anti-mold action. Sanaxil I is a versatile and valid product in various application fields: in green building interventions, in new constructions and in the restoration of period and monumental buildings.
The product does not form a film, thus avoiding detachment and flaking phenomena and, while ensuring excellent water repellency, ensures high values of permeability to water vapor thanks to its porous and microcrystalline structure, perfectly compatible with mortars, plasters and all other common elements of the body masonry. Physical-mechanical performance and durability are coupled with a vast choice of colors that cannot be altered over time; characteristics which, combined with the ease and practicality of application, make the product extremely versatile and adaptable to any project requirement.
Restoring protective coatings based on stabilised potassium silicates, for vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Existing paints (washable, organic, solvent-based etc.) must be removed.
Homogenise the surfaces by applying the fixative Sanaxil Fix. Spread SANAXIL in two coats: the first, for simple deposition, with steel trowel, the second, for spreading and finishing, with sponge float. The application of the second coat must be carried out, when the first coat starts to dry, under one of two suggested conditions: with dry trowel, for smooth surfaces; with moistened trowel, for antique-effect surfaces.
Sanaxil I is dry to the touch after 4 hours, it can be overcoated after 2-5 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 16-32 hours.
Indicative consumption depending on the different particle sizes of Sanaxil I available:
1 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.25 -1.40 kg/m²;
1.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.40 -1.55 kg/m²;
2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.85 -2.15 kg/m²;
2.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.00 -2.30 kg/m².
The indicated yields refer to smooth supports and are for guidance only. Actual consumption must be identified with a suitable practical test.
Pail 5 kg - Pail 25 kg
En Juice and World S.L., ofrecemos un servicio exclusivo de creación de zumos y bebidas personalizadas para marcas y distribuidores que buscan productos únicos y adaptados a sus necesidades. Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con cada cliente para desarrollar recetas exclusivas, que incluyen selección de ingredientes, ajuste de sabores y diseño de envases, asegurando que cada producto represente la identidad de la marca. Desde bebidas sin alcohol hasta opciones con bajo contenido en alcohol, nuestros procesos de fabricación cumplen con los más altos estándares de calidad (IFS y BRC), garantizando productos seguros y deliciosos. Perfecto para marcas que desean destacarse en el mercado con bebidas personalizadas y exclusivas.
Our high-quality wood shavings are an excellent choice for animal bedding, designed to provide a soft, comfortable, and hygienic environment for your pets or livestock. Made from 100% natural, kiln-dried wood, these shavings are free from harmful chemicals, making them safe for all types of animals.
Soft and Comfortable: Our shavings are finely milled to ensure a soft bedding surface that helps reduce pressure points, keeping animals comfortable.
Highly Absorbent: These shavings offer excellent absorbency, effectively controlling moisture and odors, keeping the bedding dry and fresh for longer periods.
Dust-Free: Processed to reduce dust levels, our wood shavings minimize respiratory issues for both animals and handlers.
Natural and Eco-Friendly: Made from sustainably sourced softwood, our wood shavings are biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
Ideal for use with horses, chickens, rabbits, and other small animals, this bedding ensures superior comfort and cleanliness. Available in compressed bales for easy storage and transportation.
Size of the 20 kg bag - 28x40x80 cm
Full pallet 24 - 27 bags
Full load 792 - 1026 bags
Transformez votre routine de soin avec notre soin visage solide “Rosée Précieuse”, spécialement formulé pour les peaux sèches. Enrichi en lait d’ânesse, argile rouge, beurre de karité, huile de romarin et un mélange d’huiles végétales saponifiées, ce soin nourrit intensément et revitalise votre peau tout en respectant l’environnement. Bienfaits : • Hydratation Intense : Le lait d’ânesse et le beurre de karité hydratent en profondeur, laissant la peau douce et souple.• Réparation et Apaisement : L’argile rouge et l’huile de romarin apaisent les irritations et favorisent la régénération cutanée.• Purification Douce : Les huiles végétales saponifiées nettoient délicatement, éliminant les..
Offrez vous une expérience de relaxation profonde, où chaque bouffée vous transporte dans un monde de tranquillité.
C’est ce que propose la fleur Gelato SB by weed discount, une variété de fleurs de CBD qui combine la douceur crémeuse du gelato avec la puissance des small buds. Avec sa teneur élevée en cannabinoïdes, cette fleur est parfaite pour ceux qui cherchent à intensifier leur moment de détente sans les effets psychoactifs intenses du THC.
Les concentrations CBD,CBG et CBN et les saveurs fruitée et sucrés de la fleur de CBD Gelato SB by weed discount offrent une sensation unique et relaxante.
La culture indoor de cette plante assure une qualité exceptionnelle et un respect des normes légales, garantissant ainsi une option sûre pour votre bien-être.
Une fleur small bud à la fois puissante et relaxante, avec des notes subtiles d’agrumes et de biscuit.
Quantité:1 Grammes, 5 Grammes, 10 Grammes, 25 Grammes, 50